Saturday, June 9, 2007

Text-based MMORPG defined

When asked of their opinion of what an MMORPG is, most of the people would answer: "An online game where many people play" or even jokingly: "Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls".

Many people would think of popular titles such as World of Warcraft or Ragnarok Online when asked about MMORPGs. However, those examples are in terms of Graphical MMORPGs. Then what about text-based MMORPGs?

Text-based MMORPGs are in a sense the same as Graphical MMORPGs, the only difference is that text-based MMORPGs is played by controlling your character in terms of text. This means that most of the input and output, where your control and view over your character are entirely text-based.

The picture below shows an example of a text-based MMORPG

Some examples of text-based MMORPGS are Popomundo, Ogame and Hattrick.

A list of popular text-based MMORPGs can be found here.


Anonymous said...

you could also put text-based MMORPGs mostly runs on browsers..


/... i cant make a word of MMORPG

Weikytt said...

haha nice one. As for the running on browsers part, more of it will be explained in Text-based MMORPGs part 2

Anonymous said...

Here are some mmorpg's that have been around for awhile.

The first on is Dragon Soldier, different races and auras.

The second one employs maps and is also based on the knight vs dragon - medieval theme.

The third one is an mmorpg built around the PrisonBreak tv series so I like it.

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